Announcement of Service Vehicle Auction
August 9, 2023 2024-12-21 17:17Announcement of Service Vehicle Auction
No. PENG-0001/UN2.F13.WD.SVA/LOG.04/2023
Based on the Letter of the Vice Rector for Human Resources and Assets of the University of Indonesia Number S-1254/UN2.R4/LOG.04/2023 dated May 26, 2023 concerning Approval of the Elimination of Assets of the University of Indonesia in the form of Service Vehicles at the School of Environmental Sciences and the School of Strategic and Global Studies of the University of Indonesia with the mediation of PT. Balai Lelang Serasi (IBID) will hold an internet auction without the presence of bidders in the form of Two Units of SIL and SKSG Service Vehicles in good condition with a total limit value of Rp.111,000,000,-.
Auction Implementation: | Description: |
Bidding Method: Open bidding through ibid application. Day/Date: Saturday, June 17, 2023 At 09:00 WIB – Finish Winner Determination: after the bid deadline Repayment of Bid Price: no later than 5 (five) working days after the auction. If after the specified time limit, the winner of the auction does not settle the payment, the deposit will be forfeited. the deposit will be forfeited. | Participants are required to deposit a deposit of IDR 5,000,000. The deposit must be deposited before the auction All costs incurred as a result of banking mechanisms are borne by the auction participants. |
Auction Requirements:
Install ibid app (app can be downloaded on playstore)
Have an account on the ibid application that has been verified. The terms and conditions and procedures for participating in the auction can be seen in the application.
The auction object is sold as is, so that if for some reason there is a lawsuit, claim and cancellation of the auction against the auction object above, interested parties / auction enthusiasts are not allowed to make demands in any form to PT Balai Lelang Serasi (Ibid) and the University of Indonesia in this case SIL and SKSG.
If until the predetermined time limit the auction winner has not paid off the payment, the auction winner is declared in default and the auction deposit will be temporarily deposited into the Treasury of PT. Balai Lelang Serasi (ibid), then from ibid will deposit into the SIL and SKSG accounts.
Bidders are expected to see or know the object of the auction. Photos and information of the auction object can be seen in the ibid application, or can be seen directly (open house) in the Old Rectorate Parking Building Area Jalan Salemba Raya 4 Central Jakarta on Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 09.00 to 15.00 WIB, and if there is no survey, it is deemed to agree to the legal aspects and auction objects auctioned with as is conditions.
Download IBID Application – Astra Auction Center