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Initial Activities Of New Students (Kamaba) School Of Environmental Science University Of Indonesia Even Period Academic Year 2019/2020

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Initial Activities Of New Students (Kamaba) School Of Environmental Science University Of Indonesia Even Period Academic Year 2019/2020

The School of Environmental Sciences of the University of Indonesia (SIL-UI) held an Initial New Student Activity (Kamaba) for the Even Period of the 2019/2020 Academic Year on January 30, 2020. This activity took place on the 1st Floor of the SIL-UI Salemba Building. This activity aims to introduce the school and the academic system used by SIL-UI. Kamaba participants attended and registered starting at 07.30 WIB. In this period, there were 31 new Masters Program students consisting of 12 regular morning class students, 3 regular afternoon class students and 16 non-regular class students. While the Doctoral Program has 9 new students, of which three students are SIL-UI master program graduates who continue to the doctoral level.

Atiti Setyaning Utami, as Kamaba’s master of ceremony, opened the event at 09.00 WIB, followed by singing the Indonesia Raya Song. Then the event continued with remarks from the leadership of SIL-UI by the Director of the School of Environmental Sciences, Dr. Emil Budianto. In his remarks, Mr. Emil explained that the School of Environmental Science was only formed in 2016. Initially, the Environmental Science Study Program joined the Graduate School of the University of Indonesia and has been established since 38 years ago for master programs and 19 years ago for doctoral programs. It is planned that there will be a new study program at SIL-UI in the near future, namely a disaster management study program for the master’s level which is still in the assessment stage. This study program is important considering Indonesia’s disaster-prone natural conditions. In addition, SIL-UI will also open a double degree program in collaboration with Queendsland University.

As an effort to protect the environment, he also urged new students to minimize the use of plastic and disposable bottled drinking water in the campus environment and switch to using tumblers. This is supported by dispenser facilities for refilling drinking water provided in the SIL-UI Building. In addition, he also urged students to use public transportation to get to the UI Salemba campus environment to reduce congestion that usually occurs on Jalan Salemba Raya and is considered more environmentally friendly.

Mr. Emil also introduced the places and facilities owned by SIL-UI such as, SIL Building, cubical rooms, environmental science laboratories, modeling and spatial laboratories accompanied by official licenses that can be used to support academic activities. In addition, another convenience obtained is a license that can be ordered through online services on a system managed by the administration. Furthermore, he hopes to minimize the use of paper in the School of Environmental Sciences. With these various facilities, he hopes that students can utilize their study time at SIL-UI well and can graduate on time.

The event continued with a brief explanation of the Doctoral Level Environmental Science Study Program by the Head of the Study Program, Dr. Suyud Warno Utomo, M.Si. Mr. Suyud congratulated the students who successfully entered the SIL-UI S3. According to him, the entrance selection this time was very strict. Of the 40 applicants, only 9 people were successfully accepted at S3 SIL-UI. The Doctoral Level Environmental Science Study Program has an academic load of 52 credits in a span of 6-10 semesters consisting of main competency courses (14 credits), supporting competency courses (8 credits) and Dissertation (30 credits).

Mr. Suyud hopes that the new S3 students can graduate on time. When viewed from the acquisition of GPA. S3 students have an average score above 3.5 but the process of completing the study period and working on the final project tends to be long even though the final project is the responsibility of each student. One of the reasons that students often use is that there is no time to do the final project. The consequence of being a student is to have time to study in the midst of their busy schedules and other personal responsibilities. So it is necessary to separate campus affairs and personal affairs wisely and wisely. He also urged students to always be diligent in their academic process, encourage each other and maintain togetherness. In addition, it is also important to maintain the intention, which is the intention of seeking knowledge to devote themselves to society based on the knowledge gained.

The next event was a brief explanation of the Masters Level Environmental Science Study Program by the Head of the Study Program, Dr. Hayati Sari Hasibuan, S.T., M.T.. Mrs. Sari started the explanation by showing the vision and mission of SIL-UI. With this vision and mission, students are expected to become innovative academics, have works that can be developed for the benefit of the nation and have the character to be a role model with a sustainable development orientation. The thing that distinguishes UI Environmental Science from other environmental sciences is that the emphasis is on sustainable development where there are ecological aspects of natural resources, economics, and social. So that it can be studied with various scientific backgrounds. There are three important objectives of the school, namely the development of academic skills, the ability to manage research and the ability to develop society. So it is expected that SIL-UI graduates have these three abilities.

The Master’s Degree Environmental Science Study Program has an academic load of 44 credits which can be taken within four semesters for regular classes and five semesters for non-regular classes. There are three specializations in this study program, namely PPL, PPB and PI which can be taken in the second semester for regular classes and the third semester for non-regular classes. Each student has an academic advisor who will guide until the completion of the study period as well as a more substantial thesis advisor. Activities at SIL-UI are not only classroom lectures but also many other activities that actually require the activeness of fellow students such as training, public lectures to invite guest lecturers, seminars and foreign cooperation. This is intended so that the scientific atmosphere can be maximally formed in the SIL-UI environment.

The event continued with a general explanation of academic activities for FY 2019/2020 at SIL-UI by the Deputy Director of the School of Environmental Sciences, Dr. dr. Tri Edhi Budhi Soesilo, M.Si. He began with student introductions then continued with an introduction to the school management structure, an explanation of the academic load and student responsibilities. Followed by the inauguration of welcoming new students and embedding yellow jackets by the Director of the School of Environmental Sciences, Dr. Emil Budianto to new student representatives. Session one ended with singing the Nusantaraku song and a group photo of new students and SIL-UI leaders.