


As a center for education and environmental science studies in the context of UI's policy as a world-class research university.


Doctoral Program

Doctoral Program Education Curriculum

In accordance with the Decree of the Rector of UI No.1390/SK/R/UI/2021 concerning the 2020 Higher Education Curriculum for the Environmental Science Study Program of the Doctoral Program of the School of Environmental Sciences, University of Indonesia, the curriculum structure for Doctoral education at PSIL is in the form of lectures and research which has a load of 42 credits with a study period of 6 semesters.
No.Mata KuliahSKS
1Filosofi Ilmu Lingkungan3 SKS
2Pembangunan Berkelanjutan3 SKS
3Ekologi Lanjut3 SKS
4Metode Penelitian Lingkungan Lanjut3 SKS
5Permodelan Lingkungan Lanjut3 SKS
Semester 2
6Penulisan Publikasi Ilmiah3 SKS
7Ujian Proposal Penelitian6 SKS
Semester 3
8Ujian Hasil Penelitian4 SKS
Semester 4
9Ujian Pra Promosi4 SKS
Semester 5
10Publikasi Makalah Ilmiah (Jurnal Bereputasi)6 SKS
Semester 6
11Ujian Promosi Terbuka6 SKS

Pembimbing Akademik (PA)

Learning System

According to the Rector's Decree No. 0696/SK/R/UI/2010 states that Academic Advisors (PA) are permanent teaching staff of the University who have doctoral degrees with a minimum academic position of Lector.

Academic Advisor Duties
For doctoral level, the PA will automatically become one of the doctoral promotion team (promoter or co-promoter). If the PA is a professor or head lector, then he/she will become a promoter. Students are required to carry out the guidance process with the PA which is regulated
  1. After students are officially accepted by the study program, students are required to make a synopsis of their research plan which contains the research theme, background of conducting research, formulation of problems to be studied, research objectives, research methods, and results to be obtained from research on a maximum of 3 pages of A4 size HVS paper.
  2. The synopsis that has been made must be submitted to the Head of the Study Program (KPS) no later than one week after the student is officially accepted by the study program.
  3. Based on the synopsis that has been made, the KPS will assign a PA with a PA assignment letter.
  4. Students are required to bring the PA appointment letter and meet with the PA and submit the PA appointment letter no later than 2 (two) weeks from the first day of class in the current semester. When meeting with the PA, students are required to submit a synopsis that has been made and known to the KPS for further discussion.
  5. The guidance period with PA to prepare and finalize the research proposal is 2 (two) consecutive semesters since the student submits the PA appointment letter to his/her PA.
  6. The frequency of guidance with PA is at least 4 (four) times in one semester.
  7. Students are required to have a log book, which is a daily record of everything related to their research plan/research activities.
  8. Every time they meet with the PA, students are required to record a description of the results of the discussion in a research log book and a summary of the meeting in the PA Guidance Card. Both the log book and the PA Guidance Card must be signed by the PA.
  9. In the first week of the first month of the third semester, students are required to submit a research proposal that has been signed by the PA along with a log book and PA Guidance Card to the KPS to be assigned two new research/dissertation supervisors.
  10. The appointment of the two new research/dissertation supervisors can be proposed by the student (alone or after consultation with the PA) or if there is no proposal, the KPS will determine it.
  11. After the two research/dissertation supervisors officially accept the task of guiding, the research proposal guidance process is carried out with three supervisors (promoter and 2 co-promoters) for a maximum of 3 (three) months with a frequency of guidance for each supervisor at least 4 (four) times.
  12. Every time they have guidance with their supervisors, students must record a description of the results of the discussion in a research log book and a summary of the meeting in the Proposal Guidance Card. Both the log book and the Proposal Guidance Card must be signed by the supervisor (promoter or co-promoter).
  13. In the first week of the fourth month of the third semester, students are required to submit a research proposal that has been signed by the promoter and the two co-promoters along with the log book and the Proposal Guidance Card to the KPS to determine the time for the Research Proposal Examination.
Promoters and Co-Promoters

According to the Rector Decree No. 0696/SK/R/UI/2010, the promoters are:

Specialization Determination

For doctoral students there is no specialization but focus on journal reviews to get the State of the arts / novelty of their dissertation.

Course Schedule